What is a CIS?

The SecInCoRe CIS concept

The SecInCoRe CIS concept

The SecInCoRe CIS concept

The SecInCoRe CIS concept - Reference Implementations

The SecInCoRe CIS concept - Demonstration cases

SecInCoRe Modular System Architecture

SecInCoRe Modular System Architecture

SecInCoRe Modular System Architecture
ELSI Guidance

Modular System Architecture
Semantic Framework

Semantic Framework including Semantic Search
An important point of SecInCoRe is the access to inventory contents, represented in the Knowledge Base. The aim is, to develop a concept for a Semantic Framework, which shows how the content of the Knowledge Base could be accessed easily using the semantics, developed in or integrated during SecInCoRe lifetime.
This concept is used to make project results from SecInCoRe discussable and visible. Further the Semantic Framework could be reused, when PPDR organisations plan or already prepare their own Common Information Space.

• shows documents as they are tagged within the taxononies
• explains end-users the idea of semantics in the search
• finds similar documents concerning specific topics
• depicts connections between documents
End-user feedback on Semantic Framework
To ensure an easy and adequate access to the Knowledge Base two kinds of ontologies are used to filter search results.

SecInCoRe Modular System Architecture
Network Enabled Communication

RescueRoam - provide secure access to CIS at each
participating rescue organization
• RescueRoam is a concept for a distributed access network
• RescueRoam uses a federation of access management servers
• RescueRoam provides secure access and enables role-based user accounting

ScalaNC - Secure access to CIS for first responders
in harsh communication environments
• Enables multiple heterogeneous paths between two endpoints no changes in network infrastructure required
• Allows scalable trade-off between speed and robustness
• Provides stable throughput at ‘lossy’ channel conditions

Facilitate interoperability with legacy PMR networks
• Interoperability with TetraPol first, Tetra to come
• Interoperability for voice group communications and short data services
Next generation PMR communication means
• Multimedia group communication solution based on experience from Mission Critical Push-To-Talk services
• Compliant with 3GPP Mission Critical Services (MCS) i.e. MCPTT, MCVideo and MData (R13 and R14 to come)
• Pure Software solution: Virtual Machines and Smartphone/Tablet application

Stakeholder Engagement in the project
• The SecInCoRe team integrate end-user in the concept and system development in a continuous co-design process
• 3 Advisory Board meetings are performed and several demonstration cases, events and conference are conducted by the project

Conclusion after three years of SecInCoRe project
• SecInCoRe created substantial concepts and public available demonstrators for a Common Information Space.
• Conducting inventory of past disasters incl. data sets, processes, business models and information systems.
• Domain-specific taxonomy based on existing vocabularies, data exchange formats and ontologies.
• Create easy access to inventory content using the taxonomy based on semantic search.
• CEN workshop agreement regarding crisis and disaster management.
• Design ELSI guidance and hosted in cooperation with PSCE as a living platform. (www.isitethical.eu)
• Provide solutions for secure and robust communication to the CIS.
• Activities regarding 3GPP standardisation.